What type of harness do you prefer?
H-Back (7) 23%
X-Back (23) 74%
Freighter style (0) 0%
31 total votes
Trivia Challenge
Who has won the most "consecutive" World Championships in The Pas, Manitoba?
Richard Beck (20) 50%
Emile St. Goddard (4) 10%
Raymond Cook (3) 8%
Steve Pronteau (1) 3%
Ross Saunderson (0) 0%
Kevin Cook (12) 30%
40 total votes
Actual Answer: The most "consecutive" wins is 5, by Emile St. Goddard from 1925-1929. The most overall wins is 6, by Richard Beck. Kevin Cook has won the last 4 years in a row and can tie the record this season with another victory. Between Raymond and Kevin Cook, the family kennel has 9 wins. Steve Pronteau had 4 consecutive wins from 1952-1955. As of Feb, 2003, Kevin Cook also has 5 consecutive wins 1999-2003. They now have 10 for the family. As of Feb 2004, Raymond Cook has 6 overall victories.
Trivia Challenge
John Calvert won the 10 dog race in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan 8 times (1967-1974). Who has the second most victories?
Jim Harvey (3) 4%
Ross Saunderson (12) 16%
Raymond Cook (51) 66%
77 total votes
Actual Answer: The correct answer is Raymond Cook. He has won 7 times(1992-1996 and 1999 & 2000) Jim Harvey won in 1981 & 1984. Ross Saunderson won in 2001, 2002 & 2004. Art Allen won from 1976-1978. Gary Edinger won in 1985 & 1986.
In the 6 dog class, which distance do you prefer?
4-7 miles (36) 37%
8-11 miles(30) 31%
12-15 miles (20) 21%
16-20 miles (2) 2%
over 30 miles (8) 8%
97 total votes
In the 10 dog class, which distance do you prefer?
under 15 miles (14) 18%
15-20 miles(22) 28%
31-50 miles (13) 17%
over 50 miles (21) 27%
78 total votes
During this season, I/we plan on attending this many races
3-4(10) 29%
5-6 (4) 11%
7-8 (5) 14%
35 total votes
Do you think that all / most races should have a junior event?
Yes (96) 87%
110 total votes
Trivia Challenge
Since 1972, who has the fastest overall time for the Canadian Championship Dog Derby, in Yellowknife NWT?
Peter Norberg(13) 19%
Buddy Streeper(25) 36%
Adolphus Capot Blanc(3) 4%
Frank Kelly(19) 28%
Tim White(3) 4%
69 total votes
Actual Answer: The fastest overall time was rcorded by Frank Kelly in 1985 (9:19:36). The 2nd fastest was John Beck in 2004 (10:22:39). 3rd was Peter Norberg in 1979 (10:29:21). 4th was Buddy Streeper in 2003 (10:34:21)
Do you think Sled Dog racing should be an official Olympic event?
Demonstration event only(7) 5%
155 total votes
Where do you prefer racing?
Cities(5) 8%
Towns(17) 26%
Villages(7) 11%
Doesn't matter(36) 55%
65 total votes since 01/29/05
Poll ended: 01/31/05
Would you be interested in racing in a "double sled" race. ( 2 sleds and 2 drivers per team ) eg. 8 dogs 6 miles, 16 dogs 14 miles or 20 dogs 50 miles.
yes(32) 44%
no(41) 56%
73 total votes since 02/27/05
Poll ended: 02/28/05
What type of transport do you use?
Removable single layer box on pick-up truck(16) 19%
Double deck box on truck bed.(33) 39%
Trailer box(25) 29%
Both box and trailer(6) 7%
Travel in back seat of car(2) 2%
Hook up and ride team to race(3) 4%
85 total votes since 02/27/05
Poll ended: 02/28/05
What would you like to see on the web site?
more race pictures(67) 37%
reports from races(45) 25%
more advertising(6) 3%
memorial page(15) 8%
joke of the month(10) 6%
junior pages(14) 8%
story page(special dogs!)(22) 12%
Actual Answer: Please send in comments, pictures and information. Feel free to participate in the building of our site!
179 total votes since 04/29/05
Poll ended: 04/30/05
Where do you prefer racing?
Cities(5) 8%
Towns(17) 26%
Villages(7) 11%
Doesn't matter(36) 55%
65 total votes since 01/29/05
Poll ended: 01/31/05
Would you be interested in any form of Dryland Racing? eg. Bikejoring, wheeled rig racing etc.
Yes(18) 39%
No(21) 46%
Not familiar with it(7) 15%
46 total votes since 09/05/05
Poll ended: 07/31/05
On average, how large is your kennel (Including puppies)?
0 - 10(13) 12%
11 - 20(22) 20%
21 - 40(33) 29%
41 - 80(32) 29%
81 - 100(7) 6%
101 or more(5) 4%
112 total votes since 10/30/05
Poll ended: 10/31/05
Did you attend any mushing seminars/ trade shows/ auctions during this past off season?
Yes, I did(9) 24%
No, I did not(29) 76%
38 total votes since 11/26/05
Poll ended: 11/30/05
What do you feed in your kennel?
kibble(5) 12%
kibble and poultry(5) 12%
kibble and beef(1) 2%
kibble, poultry and beef(9) 21%
kibble, meat and supplements(18) 42%
other(5) 12%
43 total votes since 01/07/06
Poll ended: 12/31/05
What keeps you motivated to stay in the sport?
Training(2) 8%
Racing(2) 8%
Friendships(3) 13%
Connection to the Dogs(6) 25%
Solitude/ Closeness to nature(2) 8%
All of the above(9) 38%
24 total votes since 04/02/06
Poll ends: 04/28/06
Top 10 reasons why I lost the race!
1. My dogs got tangled up(45) 8%
2. My dog had to crap on the trail(42) 8%
3. I had to crap on the trail(38) 7%
4. I hit a tree(33) 6%
5. Buddy Streeper entered the race(29) 5%
6. My sled broke(29) 5%
7. My dogs were sick(26) 5%
8. The guy in front of me wouldn't shut the hell up so my team could not pass(25) 5%
9. I took the wrong trail(23) 4%
10. My dogs chewed the lines(21) 4%
545 total votes since 04/02/06
Poll ends: 03/31/06
Did you attend any mushing seminars/ trade shows/ auctions during this past off season?
Yes, I did(9) 24%
No, I did not(29) 76%
38 total votes since 11/26/05
Poll ended: 11/30/05
Over the summer months I plan on?
raising a litter or more of puppies(30) 46%
buying several more dogs to complete my team(5) 8%
buying my first sled dog(1) 2%
buying a whole team(0)
working with just my existing dogs(27) 42%
selling out and quiting mushing : ((2) 3%
65 total votes since 06/27/06
Poll ended: 06/30/06
During the upcoming season, I plan on racing in the following classes:
Junior Class(10) 9%
4 Dog Class(20) 18%
6 Dog Class(34) 30%
10 Dog Class(23) 20%
Unlimited Class(11) 10%
Distance Class(16) 14%
114 total votes since 11/16/06
Poll ended: 12/01/06
During the upcoming season I /we plan on purchasing a new:
harness/harnesses(20) 21%
set/s of ganglines(17) 18%
sled/sleds(18) 19%
dog box/vehicle(4) 4%
snowmobile/trail groomer(8) 8%
gps(6) 6%
winter clothing(18) 19%
all of the above(6) 6%
97 total votes since 01/03/07
Poll ended: 01/01/07
Based on the effort put in, how do you rate your teams performance this season
I do not even know why I have dogs(3) 4%
Poor(4) 6%
Fair(7) 10%
Good(15) 22%
Excellent(30) 45%
Exceeded even my wildest dreams!(8) 12%
67 total votes since 05/02/07
Poll ended: 05/01/07
I hope to have my team trained to run up
to ? miles by January 01/2008 ?
4-6 miles(3) 1%
7-12 miles(187) 63%
13-19 miles(46) 16%
20-35 miles(36) 12%
36-50 miles(7) 2%
over 50 miles(17) 6%
296 total votes since 12/10/07
Poll ended: 12/01/07
I am willing to travel up to ? kilometers to attend a race:
100(1) 2%
250(3) 6%
400(7) 14%
750(7) 14%
1000(7) 14%
whatever it takes(26) 51%
51 total votes since 01/01/08
Poll ended: 01/01/08
I consider myself a ? Musher:
Beginner(2) 5%
Recreational(2) 5%
Amatuer(3) 8%
Semi Professional(20) 50%
Professional(8) 20%
Elite(2) 5%
Wannabe (no dogs yet)(3) 8%
40 total votes since 01/01/08
Poll ended: 01/01/08
Do you think the sport of Sled Dog racing is ?
Growing in popularity(17) 24%
At a standstill(9) 13%
Declining in popularity(12) 17%
Declining in some areas and growing in others(30) 43%
no opinion(2) 3%
70 total votes since 03/16/08
Poll ended: 03/01/08
Do you feel that the newsletter is still relevant with the convenience of the web site?
Yes(54) 43%
No(69) 54%
Doesn't matter(4) 3%
Actual Answer: Any feedback is appreciated
127 total votes
Poll ended: 01/01/09